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Old 12-11-2008, 06:38 PM   #466
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Originally Posted by Chief Rum View Post
No, I really think it's about the same, in that neither of us should complain abouth other teams' resources. That said, I think it's patently ridiculous to think the Angels are on the same level of revenue stream as the Red Sox.

And, BTW, you paid ALL of Manny's contract, so nice try at an out there, but no dice. So nowhere near a dead heat. You guys could have paid even more last year. We're talking about a team that dropped $50 M just to talk to Dice-K.

If we add Teix right now, we're about $95-100 M for 2009. When was the last time the Red Sox were down there?

The Manny trade is really disingenious of you to even bring up. You actually added salary, in Jason Bay's contract, while paying not a dime less of your original payroll.

I don't really feel guilty about the Red Sox making a lot of money - it's not like any of it's mine. I hope they make shitloads.

I just think it's funny you have this crusade against any Sox fans making reference to the Yankee payroll, and then say that the Sox potentially outbidding the Angels is the "problem".

All three teams are loaded, clearly. But there's still differences between them. You're very aware of the Angels/Sox difference, and apparently find that unfair, but think that the Sox/Yanks difference is irrelevant.

All have more than most other teams, of course. It's just annoying to see the other big markets (bigger than Boston in this case) jump on the Boston villain bandwagon.

Last edited by molson : 12-11-2008 at 06:47 PM.
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