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Old 11-24-2008, 12:28 PM   #86
Fighter of Foo
College Prospect
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Boston, MA
Originally Posted by RainMaker View Post
I was a big supporter of Obama and voted for him in the election. I'm a little upset with his selections too.

The whole idea behind Obama and "change" was that it would end the politics as usual crap in Washington. That these Washington insiders would be thrown to the curb in favor of fresh ideas. But all Obama has done is appointe Washington insiders to every job. The change is simply in the letter next to the person's name.

I have no doubt that the new people being appointed are more competent than what's there now. But it's still not going to change much in Washington. We're still seeing the old boys club mentality and "I scatch your back you scratch mine" setup. I think we'll still see the cronyism and corruption, just from the other side of the aisle. Obama had a great opportunity to end this crap, to truly move forward in another direction. Instead, he's simply knocking us back a little further in time to the Clinton years.

Not to pick on you specifically, but I think a lot of Obama supporters didn't get very far past, "articulate" and "Not Bush" when they became supporters in the first place.

For anyone who was paying attention, and as mentioned by several people here, none of what Obama is doing is remotely surprising whatsoever.
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