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Old 07-25-2003, 07:46 PM   #3
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Back in Houston!
Introduction: Finances/Team Character

NOTE: Some of this was copied from last year's dynasty report

I used a 7-3 for most of last year but switched to 9-1 after Kimber kept his form for pretty much all of the season. This year, I made the jump to 10 spokespersons instead of the 5 I carried last yaer. I've had very minimal injuries with 96% training and 1 physiotherapist. I bumped that to 97%-2 towards the end of last year. I have 5 doctors now because a pair of players I purchase were injured but those will be gone soon. I may have to hire sports pychologistst to keep my confidence up, considering how slippery the slope will be this year.

Goaltending Coaches: 1
Assistant Coaches: 9
Sport Psychologists: 0
Spokepersons: 10
Economists: 0
Physiotherapists: 2
Doctors: 5

With the UberTrainees(TM) in place, I'm definately going to continue playmaking. I was training at 95% last year and bumped that up to 97% recently. My winning percentage the last two years was 20-4 so I never had to worry about confidence. This year, .500 is an admirable goal so I don't expect to be carting around that wonderful confidence I'm used to. But I did win my Cup match to start the season so it's there now. I'm going to try and win some cup games to get that TS up and keep confidence high because I'll need all the help I can get this year. I'd like to get in a week of stamina training in the middle of the season, at some point. For formations, I run a 3-5-2 at all times.

Training Specifics
Training Level: 97%
Training Type: Playmaking
Coach: Ricky Braden
Team Spirit: calm
Confidence: wonderful

Formation experience
4-3-3: poor
4-5-1: poor
3-5-2: solid
5-3-2: poor
3-4-3: poor
5-4-1: poor

Last season was good to our bandwagon. We went from 869 at the start of last season to to the 1266 we have now. I have yet to lose supporters in a week. That's bound to change this season. I doubt it will be as nice as last year when I had "high on life" moods of both sponsors and supporters for the last 10 weeks of the season. Because of this, we have double our spokespersons count in an attmept to counteract this.

Sponsor Info
Sponsors: delirious
Supporter Club: 869 members
Supporters: high on life

The Hippodrome
Our home sweet Hippodrome is on the northwest side of Houston. Our first expansion came too soon and our second expansion came too late, it seems. In mid season 18, we doubled the size from the initial 7000 to 15692. We didn't sell it out until early this season. However, we got 15K for 7 of our 8 games this season but had to wait until the end of the season for a cash influx.

We doubled the size of the stadium again as the Hippodrome32K was just completed. It's probably too large for our current group of supporters, but we'll grow into it

NOTE: copied from last year's dynasty report
There's also the matter of the executive washroom and attached box suite which are not included in the other stadium stats. However, any official supporters of the Hippos are familiar with, and enjoy their games from, the comfort of the suite. A classical feel of marble is meshed with technological wonders along with full service dining and full service girls- take that as you will. Other than official supporters, only the owner is allowed up here on a regular basis. The end of year awards banquet is also held here and the event has contributed to some of the team loyalty.

Arena Info
Arena: The Hippodrome
Belongs to: Houston Hippopotami
Country: USA
Region : Houston
Last improvement: 7/24/2003
Total capacity: 32000
Terraces: 20000
Basic seating: 8000
Seats under roof: 3200
Seats in VIP boxes: 800

Youth Squad
Last year I described our youth squad as "much maligned". We continued to pour $20K per week into it and it's currently solid. Our slump continued into this season as we only got one player in the first 6 weeks who we sold for $11K. This all changed in week 7 when we pulled Roland Gontan, a 19yo solid PM. I tained him one week, he bumped, and was immediately sold for $350K. We pulled four sellable players the final seven weeks of the season for $228K. Hopefully we can continue to get better and better pulls as our system improves.

Youth Squad
Youth Squad: solid
Investment in the Youth squad: 20,000 US$ / week

Youth Pulls: 28
Youth Pull Grocers: 21
Youth Pulls Sold: 7
Youth Pulls Still With Club: 0
Total Sold for: 590000

Last Year, I was getting around $165K per week in my ideal budget. This year, that's up to $250K, tho I may be overshooting. I'm not entirely sure how much my lack of success this year will affect my income. That said, I'm pushing a little more into the black. My extra sponsor revenue offset my wage increases. The extra $50K or so crowd revenue per two weeks should more than offset the doubling of my arena cost and a larger staff. We may have to bump up that staff a little more with a few sports shrinks to offset our soon-to-be-sinking confidence. Looks like we'll be a lot more solvent this year, even before youth pulls from a solid, soon to be excellent, squad. Last year, our projected income per week was $6400. This year, it's up to $19400.

Crowd: 5000 (135000)
Sponsors: 55000
Financial: 0
Temporary: 0
Two Week Revenue: 250000

Arena: 20800
Wages: 32000
Interest: 0
Temporary: 2000
Staff: 40500
Youth squad: 20000
Two Week Expenses: 230600

Two Week Gross: +19400

Team Profile
All of these have reasonably gone up this year: our squad value is just a shade below $3M and our average is over $130K. Then again, our wages are up quite a bit, too. Our age is constant from last year's 23. We're still a pretty young team. Here's our international flavor for the year, up to 12 countries from 8 last year: USA (11, including coach), Sverige (2), Argentina (1), Danmark (1), Oceania (1), Romania (1), Hrvatska (1), Belgie (1), England (1), Deutschland (1), Italia (1), and Nederland (1). I kindof like the international flavor- it's expensive, but we don't discriminate

Team Stats
Total Wages: 33090
Total Value: 2935000
Avg Value: 133409
Avg Age: 23
Avg Form: inadequate
Avg Experience: wretched
No of players: 22
Nationalities: 12

I'm in three federations, tho, two are active while HAM is more informational than anything.

Front Office Football Community- I think we all know what this one is.
HAM Users International- The help community for everyone's favorite little hattrick utility. Mmm... HAM. *drool*
Kraftworks Union (K.U.)- This is a fed that is basically the brainchild of Havoc (not to be confused with Havok here), a guy who helped me out when I was starting. It's quite an active fed and there's a lot of good strategy discussed here with some high profile members like GM-Spidurman and CaptainNeda who was in MLS last year. Not to mention a few of us little FOFCers like Havok and Daedalus.

Team Colors
NOTE: copied from last year's dynasty report
As Hippopotamuses are only grey/black, I figured I could go with pretty much any color I wanted but I wanted something with a dark look. At first, I kindof liked the idea of dark red and black as those seem like Hippo colors but then I decided on purple and black. Also thought dark green socks sounded like a good idea even though they look like black to me. Our color schemes are as follows: (any thoughts?)

Match Kit
Shirt: Black
Shorts: Purple
Socks: Dark Green

Reserve Kit
Shirt: Purple
Shorts: Black
Socks: Dark Green

Fan Club
NOTE: also copied from last year's dynasty report
Thanks to a small impromptu contest last year (which wasn't really a contest but me taking the first good suggestion that came along), ardent's suggestion of "Hungry Hungry Hippos" stuck with our fan club. It resulted in our sponsoring of his North County Raiders until a better offer came along- i.e. reciprocal sponsorship from another club. Ardent was pretty understandable that he lost out to a better bribe

NOTE: also copied from last year's dynasty report
I have a creepily cute logo befitting my team's status as not even able to win in division V. Maybe I'll find some scarier images once my team improves. The image came somewhat from the cover of a book called "Hippos Go Berserk" by Sandra Boynton. I've never heard of it or read it before but it had a picture that fit. Here's a link to the book:Hippos Go Berserk And here is our new, ultra-intimidating team logo:

Houston Hippopotami, III.3: 20th Anniversary Thread - All former HT players are encouraged to check it out!

Janos: "Only America could produce an imbecile of your caliber!"
Freakazoid: "That's because we make lots of things better than other people!"

Last edited by sterlingice : 08-01-2003 at 07:02 AM.
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