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Old 11-19-2008, 05:21 PM   #241
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Concord, MA/UMass
Originally Posted by sterlingice View Post
That's the question. I think someone on RoyalsReview had this one pegged perfect. Just like the Jacobs deal, it looks good viewed in a vacuum- take a reliever, the most inconsistent position, and trade for a position player with some useful attributes. However, again, like Jacobs- Crisp has as many flaws as he has strengths so maybe it's just a wash.
Ehhh... it might make less sense because Crisp is only under club control for 2? years and won't be below-market after this one, but he's a much better player than Mike Jacobs. Above-average defensive CF'er with a .780 OPS last year when he was "struggling". Royals CF's were in the .640 range.

The numbers I've seen on Ramirez say 6 hr's in 51 IP at Coors and 3 in 155 elsewhere. Obviously, he's an injury-prone reliever, so this could end up looking foolish a couple months into the season (hello Gagne), but he seems like the best available reliever for the price.

I also really dislike the idea of moving Masterson to the rotation after this - his stuff doesn't play up as well in the rotation and he'd be league-average there, but he has the type of arm (easy delivery, power sinker) that can go 2-3 innings when needed and pitch back to back days to be an uber-reliever. Of course, it depends now on if Bowden/Buchholz/Masterson are traded for a catcher.
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