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Old 11-14-2008, 02:06 AM   #71
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: VA
Oh yeah, your guards are 100% legit. I mean, everytime they had an open look the entire stadium was groaning. I was holding my head and closing my eyes when they had an open three. It was seriously gross how they would just knock shit down.

SIU's game it seems since I've gotten here has been how they hit the three point bucket. If they hit it, it's all good (like the 2nd half), if they don't, it's awful (like the first half). Our freshman PG looks like he'll be amazing in 2 or 3 years, but as a freshman he's telegraphing so bad. He's got a crossover that reminded me of AI, so I'm hopeful that once he gets more experience he's gonna be just amazing for our program, same with the rest of our freshman.

But if college basketball gave out an MVP based on just how valuable a player is to a team, Bryan Mullins would win it hands down. He is so important to this team, they would not win a game without him. I saw him when he was waiting to get in the game by the scorers table, and he was coaching everyone from there. He really is just an amazing kid, I've met him, he's dating a girl that I know, he is just the definition of a great college basketball leader, I could not run out of compliments for him.
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