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Old 10-29-2008, 05:04 PM   #198
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Canada eh
I've got a 5, a 3 and a 2 going right now. The 2 and 5 are in ranked leagues while the 3 is finishing off a season in an unranked league that was on the go. Took a few days for the ranked league to fill up but I'm quite curious to see how I do against others of "a similar level". I'm not sure how he ranked teams but the more and more I play this, the more and more it seems to come down to having a top notch goalie. Seems like everybody else in the rank 5 league I'm in has a goalie comparable to what I've got so I'm trying to figure out what the next most important pieces will be.

Also sounds like big hits/fights/agitators will be worked into the game soon so that may drastically affect player type values.
"I don't want to play golf. When I hit a ball, I want someone else to go chase it." - Rogers Hornsby
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