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Old 09-27-2008, 12:57 PM   #571
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Jan 2006
Originally Posted by Alan T View Post
Ahh, well then I completely was off on my reads there then.. my play this game I think was the epitome of luck. I made the right moves for all of the wrong reasons.

I figured Ntn and Barkeep were the cops since BK gave strong hints that ntn was ok, and then ntn basically hinted at being a cop and said the alphabetical order thing which meant to me that ntn had to be second alphabetically, meaning that BK once again would be the other one... But I saw your posts and it made me think you also had some knowledge and I figured you were the psychic... ahh well

Aye, I got there a bit late. Well actually I thought about it for a bit then forgot it again and voted NTN anyway. Then I was trying to find a way to move off of NTN without attracting too much attention. First I thought you were a psychic or a cop but then I realised you were just reacting to the same (incorrect, as it turns out) thing I saw in Barkeep. That's why I brought up the whole reveal thing because I was sure the wolves would see the same thing we had seen. So that was another piece of luck for us because I'd probably have stayed on NTN but for what I thought was as good as a vouch from BK.

Quite pleased that the standard rules of who to vote for on day one paid off with PB. Arguing for someone but voting another way is a bit of a tell, although there's a lot of villagers who do it. I know I sometimes have to remind myself not to do it as a villager. And it was extremely cunning of me to lead a charge against a roled villager on day two so his reveal would land us the second wolf.

Oh I was the duke by the way. Which helped not a jot, although it made me feel more secure. I was worried that because I wasn't around at deadline my conditional duke orders would lynch someone who had revealed as a seer or cop.

I think 3 robbers might be a bit too few given the rules set, although I guess it depends on the kill % chances and they did have the ex-con.
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