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Old 09-12-2008, 11:47 AM   #11
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Massachusetts
Originally Posted by molson View Post
Definitely, I remember a lot of Boston fans giving Tom Brady shit for wearing a Yankees hat last year, as if he's supposed to give over his entire soul because he signed a contract.

I don't think people would have cared if Brady had worn a Tigers hat, or a Brewers hat, or a Giants hat, or even an Angels hat (those being teams around his college and where he grew up). I think the reason there was so much of a stink over it is because the guy has no perceived "natural connection" to NYC. Sure maybe he's been a Yankees fan since he was a baby, but if that's the case nobody knows about it, and I think that's why people got SO bent out of shape about it. I mean sure, yeah it was because it's the Yankees too.

But my theory was always "Brady's not a Yankees fan. He just needed a hat to put on with his sunglasses so he could try to hide a bit, and that was a hat that somebody had left at his place" or something like that.
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