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Old 09-11-2008, 06:16 PM   #5
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: MA
If you are not in IT at all right now or are at a very low level it may be worth it. Though you may be better getting a cheaper easier MS cert to open the door and working your way up. Otherwise.....

I recently got my VCP(VMWare Certified Professional). It's a lot easier and the demand for virtualization knowledge is sky high right now. Nearly every windows admin job out there looks for VM knowledge.

I'm an MS guy who just finished looking for and finding a job, in my opinion my VCP helped me far more than a Microsoft cert would have, there are just a lot of non-certified but knowledgeable MS guys out there with enough experience to back it. Not at all with VM.

Also, just as importantly. It's 3k for the class(required) and then around $200 for a single medium difficult test. The MCSE is a major undertaking with not much more gain.

Now's the time to learn some VM, pretty soon everyone will be an expert.

BTW: I've spent about 4 years consulting mostly on MS products and another 4 as a NT admin. I've been around these circles some.

Last edited by jeff061 : 09-11-2008 at 06:19 PM.
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