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Old 08-17-2008, 03:39 PM   #7
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Annapolis, Md
I realize this game has like 400 beta testers and a huge community of people getting things "fixed! " left and right -- but I'm finding quite a lot of dumb little things still in the game. A free agent who seems to have spent last season bouncing back and forth between my AA affiliate and another major league team? (And who was pissed off when I offered him a minor league contract saying things about how he wanted to keep playing in Baltimore when he never had, according to his player page) Incorrect references in feedback blurbs, fractured sentences, that sort of thing.

And I confess I don't understand the point of having a guy traipsing all over the globe scouting various countries if every player he finds is already going to be sitting on the minor league roster of a team in my league already. Also, when the majority of the guys he comes back with an urgent "keep an eye on this guy" report is followed by section after section reinforcing the 1/2-star rating (no bat, no glove, can't run)... well, what the hell is the value of this sort of scouting? Am I searching Venezuela and Uzbekistan for peanut vendors?


Ten bucks off. Heh.
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