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Old 08-12-2008, 08:25 AM   #336
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Back in Houston!
BishopMVP had a great post and after watching last night, I had very similar stuff in my head.

I'll say it again- gymnastics is maddening to watch because the scoring is so inconsistent and arbitrary. This goes beyond "Just stick the landing and that's all that matters" and isn't "Hulk no understand, Hulk smash!" I mean, we're all (mostly) pretty intelligent human beings and we get it explained to us over and over again during the night. I'm not going to be able to see every 0.1 deduction and pick out a 9.3 vs a 9.2 but I sure as hell can see what I think is a 9 vs a 9.5 in terms of form and style. Couple that with the fact that we get the difficulty score given to us and I think we can do a decent armchair job.

There was a lot of discussion last night again. It seems they were afraid to give any Chinese or Japanese gymnast anything under a 15, even tho they "were having an awful night" or had multiple falls. But the American has a rough pommel horse and gets a 12?!? I got the impression from watching the two sets of high bar routines that the Americans actually had better ones- we all had 3 significant releases, iirc, while some of the Chinese only had 2 but they got comparable or better scores.

It seems that the scoring favors certain countries- you have a good vault team, you do better than a team with an equally good floor team. There just aren't the points to be had on the floor in terms of difficulty.

Also, I would love to view this through non-US colored glasses as I'm not trying to say we should have done better or worse. Give us the Romanian team to compare with the Chinese or the Russians to compare to the Japanese and I would make the comparisons there. However, I can only compare what was covered last night and it was pretty much the Americans and the Chinese with about 5 minutes of the Japanese and Germans thrown in.

It's like I said the other night- the US girls were having major screw ups all over the place but we still ended up in 2nd. Were the other teams just kissing the floor on every other routine?

And then we're subjected to more of it tonight

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Freakazoid: "That's because we make lots of things better than other people!"

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