Thread: Your kid's diet
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Old 08-11-2008, 08:27 PM   #28
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Pacific
We do a pretty good job. Neither girl has ever had a soda (ages 8 and 6) and say no if offered. And this is watching their parents addiction to soda. They love juice, milk and water, We usually only give them juicy juice, but they get capri suns, too.
We arent the best at balancing but the giris get their nutritional needs met.

We never made a special meal for our kids and I always try to get them to try foods. We always let them have the spit out option. They are great eaters and will eat most foods.

Now my Sister-in-law would make her kids peanut butter and Jelly on a drop. Her kids wouldnt eat anything and I think part of it was a control thing. The kids took control by making Mom make them a special meal. Then again, to believe this theory, you need to know the ex-husband.
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