Thread: Your kid's diet
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Old 08-11-2008, 11:50 AM   #19
College Starter
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Buffalo, NY
Originally Posted by RendeR View Post
We really kept an eye on what they ate until they hit 18-24 months, at that point we make sure they eat something decent at each meal (substantial as opposed to worthless) and they snack on whatever is on hand when they get hungry in between.

Once they hit 2 they start getting picky and they start deciding they have a favorite thing, with my daughter its hot dogs and cheese. she's eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner if we let her. Our son is a little easier to please, as long as he has some sort of fruit he'll eat whatever else we give him most of the time.

I think we're actually doing better than you make it sound. They hardly touch veggies but they'll eat fruit until it's coming out their ears. They get one cup of 100% juice a day and never anything like kool-aid. They only occasionally get things like chips, cookies, or fruit snacks. And yeah lunch is usually hot dogs, but they get more of a variety for dinner.
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