Thread: Your kid's diet
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Old 08-11-2008, 11:01 AM   #17
Pro Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Cary, NC
This is tough, and hard to answer the poll. The real problem we have is getting a "balanced" diet in our kids, who will gladly just skip a meal if they don't want to eat what's there. We've got our daughter on a "sticker" plan, where if she eats everything we put on her plate, she gets a sticker, and 5 stickers means she gets to pick where we go out for dinner, and it still takes 6 nights for her to earn the privilege.

It's not that they eat a lot of "junk" per se, so much as she'd subsist on peanut butter or cheese sandwiches if we let her. She does like strawberries, is fine with grapes and applesauce periodically, and will eat apple slices if we melt some chocolate chips to dunk them in, but getting her to eat vegetables is quite the task.

My son will eat anything if he can pick it up with his hands and dunk it in ketchup. Which again makes vegetables problematic. And he's pretty much one-track on fruits: applesauce (at least he likes the no-sugar-added natural stuff). Applesauce and Macaroni & Cheese are pretty much the only exception to the "dunk in ketchup" rule. We can't even fool him with spaghetti sauce: he'll scream unless he gets ketchup to dunk the meatballs in. Then he goes to town.

And of course they are far more willing to eat whatever the preschool puts in front of them. Our daughter used to love the beef stew they served, so we checked the brand, bought the EXACT SAME THING, and she would not touch it at home.

Getting kids to eat is fun...
-- Greg
-- Author of various FOF utilities
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