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Old 08-09-2008, 02:27 PM   #75
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: San Jose, CA
Fencing SUCKS! The Olympics are GARBAGE! Here's my myspace blog about it:

Originally Posted by karl myspace blog
The Olympics..........

....FUCKING SUCK ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just woke up this beautiful Saturday morning, and I saw that the Olympics were on two different channels. "Oh, that's cool," I thought. First off, MSNBC had women's handball (I don't care if these lame ass sports are men's or women's competition, btw, they are equally unwatchable). I don't know what handball qualifies as in the Olympics, but it didn't look like the handball I played as a kid. You'd hit the ball against the wall, and your opponent would get one bounce to gauge it, and they'd smack that shit against the wall. And you'd have little rules like "black magic" where you'd say "black magic" and then swing your hand above or below the ball, and it would be up to your opponent to try and hit the ball again before it bounced twice. But, they couldn't! They were totally fucked! Now, this handball I was watching was like soccer where you used your hands. Honestly, I don't have any idea what was going on. However, team handball was awesome compared to...

WOMENS' FENCING! I fucking hate fencing. I hated it before, now I hate it even more. So, I switched from MSNBC to plain ole NBC. You know, NBC must have the quality programming, since it's network and all. Nope!!! It was fencing, followed by men's bicycle racing. Oh my fucking Christ. What a puddle of liquid SHIT!

The fencing was mind-boggingly ridiculous. To call that sport is laughable. It's like playing tag with swords, if the rules of tag forced you to run directly into each other, and then shriek horrifyingly loudly if you got tagged. I mean, I didn't mind the shrieking was two well-off nerdy ivy league girls (who else, really? I've never seen a fencing team from the projects) sounding like they were orgasming after every "touch" as the announcers called it.

So, anyway, they'd run into each other, one girl would cum, and then the announcer would say "Ohhh...point for Jennifer! Amazing footwork on the repost touch", and then I would change the channel.
Look into the mind of a crazy man (NSFW)
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