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Old 08-07-2008, 05:03 PM   #28
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Concord, MA/UMass
Originally Posted by LloydLungs View Post
My real issue with the Olympics is that most of the major events will be shown on a severe tape delay. The nature of the modern Internet is such that it's almost impossible to avoid getting results spoiled. It's not as simple as, say, not going to a specific site or a specific thread. Because of the massiveness of the Olympics, you basically have to avoid your computer altogether, and even if you do that, ESPN will gleefully spoil everything without much if any warning if you happen to stumble on any of their zillions of channels.

I think I would immensely enjoy an Olympics held in the U.S., but the time differential is the biggest obstacle for me.
Chicago is lining up to host in 2016 at least. Until then, it really is terrible trying to avoid being spoiled. Even if I'm just trying to find out what events are being held on which channel, I probably have to hit up a site that will spoil results.

US-China has potential for a US-Soviet like medal race, but the problem is that the countries rarely go head to head. We're not producing Ping Pong players and outside of the one hurdler, they aren't producing Track athletes or swimmers. Women's gymnastics is the one huge showdown that I'm sure will dominate multiple nights of prime-time coverage.
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