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Old 08-06-2008, 09:37 PM   #18
Alan T
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Mass.
Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA View Post
I'm 8 years older than you (give or take whether your profile is accurate), so we're not all that far apart in age but I've got an almost completely opposite feeling about it. It's the lack of the USA/USSR (and associated allies on both sides) that has pretty much killed my interest.

Well that & the high percentage of events that I wouldn't look out my window to watch much less bother to choose over anything else on television.

This is exactly it. I remember as a kid, you would always see the medal counts with the references to the USA vs the "Eastern Block" where East Germany, USSR, and a few other communist countries would be the "bad guys" and team USA was trumpeting the cause of democracy in every event that they won...

Maybe it is the events in the world, or the disappearance of the cold war, or no strong rival such as the USSR was, but it just doesn't feel the same anymore. And lets face it, I just don't really care about men's gymnastics if there isn't some patriotic reason to watch it.
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