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Old 07-22-2008, 02:04 PM   #264
College Starter
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Houston, TX
I, Tyrith, the gun loving leader of the Congressional Republics, submit to you this bill for your consideration -


Co-Sponsors: illinifan999 and Mrs. Schmidty

We create a seer role to be given to a random non-wolf member of this Congress, to have the ability once per year, at night, to select a member of Congress and determine whether or not they are a member of the Wolf Party. The name of the person to be scanned should be given to the moderator before the night deadline. If this person should discover a wolf they shall have a 25% chance of having evidence enough to immediately censure that wolf and remove them from the game.

Further, if this seer is attacked at night by the wolves, he shall have a 25% chance of avoiding political death and remaining in the game, although he shall not learn the identity of his attacker.
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