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Old 07-12-2008, 01:46 PM   #493
College Prospect
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Raleigh, NC
Man I hate this time every year... Can't sit still, wanna play NCAA, hoping to find it early, hear of other that have the game early, playing the demo, looking at videos online, looking at screenshots, looking at NC State's Roster and hoping that some of our key recruits are in the game...

I feel like such a doofus for feeling this way at this point in my life but this is the only game that gets me this excited anymore...

I have enjoyed the demo so far. I have noticed that the post-play celebrations and dissapointment animations seem to be better this year and less over the top (on regular plays not scores). I haven't noticed anyone pick up 15 yds on a 4th down attempt and come up 3 yards short and still jump up and celebrate like they won the super bowl like last year. I know it is small but having appropriate reaction shots (if they are in the game anyway) makes it much more immersive. I hope these things are really fixed and not just missing due to the lack of animations in the demo.

Also I am really enjoying the L-stick shimmy included in this years game. I use it alot on kickoff returns and punt returns.

Icing the kicker and being iced is nice.

Picking the defense they were in after an INT is nice also but they seem pretty easy with the successive overhead shots they give you. I haven't missed one yet.
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