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Old 07-11-2008, 07:03 AM   #464
Mizzou B-ball fan
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Kansas City, MO
Originally Posted by Phototropic View Post
Agreed. I respect Bill Abner's gameplay impressions, but he loses me when he goes off the deep end comparing stats to real life. I've never seen a graphical game nail that.

Edit - Well after his latest posts he may be right. It's pretty ridiculous.

Ridiculous doesn't begin to describe it. How many years into this franchise are we at this point? There's obviously a few people who will always defend EA and this franchise and downplay the problems in this game. Those people wouldn't be swayed by honest opinions about the game anyway. Thankfully this year for the rest of us, EA sent the game out to a reviewer who would provide a balanced assessment of the game and detail the problems accurately.

There's no excuse for EA not to get the game balance and stats correct at this point in the franchise. There are multiple people in NCAA gaming communities that provide sliders to try to balance what EA has f#$ked up. Why not hire one of those people to balance the game in beta testing. Better yet, take those slider settings and make them the new defaults for next year's game (i.e. if 30 is the best setting for QB accuracy this year, make that the new 50 for next year). Each year, you're going to get closer and closer to a good game just by doing that, which wouldn't take much work at all.

It's also become blatently obvious that EA's testing group is doing a whole lot more game-playing than they are doing game testing. True acceptance testing draws out all of the possible ways the game can break and exhaustingly tests each and every scenario. That all goes terribly wrong when a testing group just starts playing games over and over and assumes that all scenarios will eventually occur rather than making sure they are covered in testing. The testing group needs a severe overhaul at this point.

BTW, new post up detailing that the statistics are continuing to disappear. This time, it was the passing statistics. Another example that EA wasn't checking stats on a regular basis during testing. Wonder why the stat totals aren't accurate...........
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