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Old 07-03-2008, 11:48 PM   #354
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Michigan
Abner posted more:

I stopped the game at halftime because -- hey I'm tired and can't stay up like I used to.

31-7 Ohio State on Heisman. The good news? This had nothing to do with INTs. OSU is just better. In fact the Iowa QB is 13/18 with zero picks in the first half. Woo hoo! I think we need to be careful, though. QBs DO throw picks. Just because we see one doesn't mean we should get upset. There just needs to be a balance to it all.

This was also with QB ACC at (I think) 60. Very promising. But to me it seems clear at least thus far that it's w/o a doubt a Heisman thing. The game just flat plays better on this level and look..I'm killing Iowa so it's not like the AI is going to whip you at this level mercilessly.

Right now my number one concern on this lvl is the return game. I ran a punt back for a TD which was cool but I'm telling you -- it's REALLY easy. Something ain't right with the coverage. I guess if one thing had to be broken...

So I go to bed tonight optimistic. It started off a tad rocky, eh? I will revisit AA lvl with different teams to see how it shakes out but I'm thinking it's Heisman for me this year.

The online dynasty with Todd and Billy Baroo will be a go but I can't test that until the game is out. I do love the feature set for that mode, though. I'll try to post some tomorrow but it being the 4th, we'll have to see. Knowing me...I'll find the time to play a few games
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