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Old 06-24-2008, 03:26 PM   #419
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Buffalo, NY
Originally Posted by GoldenEagle View Post
Couple of questions...

1) Is there a history of arguing between Lathum and Render?

2) Is PackerFanatic's editing of his post intentional?

There is a historyof us going back and forth a bit, but nothing over the top as far as I can recall. At least not since oh...december-ish? Last year I really was the asshat extraordinaire most games. And Lathum , being lathum would tend to push those buttons and see how fast I would implode =)

So there is some there yes. Since december I've tried very hard to avoid the whole implosion idea, its simply not a good way to play because no one listens to you when you rant and rave constantly.

Which today led to my comment about lathum, he's tends to sink his teeth into someone and not let go. He and DT started a back and forth and I commented that I'd rather vote Lathum than deal with days of teeth knashing bickering. It was half in jest, granted only half, but he took it badly.

What was the question again?
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