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Old 06-24-2008, 02:59 PM   #402
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Buffalo, NY
Originally Posted by Lathum View Post
Sal was sticking up for his best friend whose charecture had just been attacked, I would do the same thing for him.

Render basicly said he is voting for me because he doesn't want to listen to me argue with people for the next 4 days.

What Render doesn't seem to have figured out is arguing is a big part of werewolf. Saldana was referencing the fact that when Render started playing he reguarally told people they were stupid, dropped the f bomb, etc... To my knowledge I have never attacked someone as a person in a werewolf argument.

Do I love to argue. Yes
Do I go after people. Yes.
Is that a part of the game. Yes.

Renders post really rubbed me the wrong way, it came off very much like "I don't want to deal with this guy's style so I am going to vote him off" and I actualy found it insulting to my character.

Tosses Lathum a bottle of wine, drink up

Seriously, I agree with the theory that you could well have been forced into wolf hands. its very plausible, you are constantly under scrutiny, why not make that work for the village based on the draft order?

The crap about you badgering people for days on end was more or less in fun, As with my own reputation, if you play a certain way then you have to deal with the results. I do it every game. You've earned a reputation for arguing for the sake of arguing, its day 1, why the hell would I want to listen to that for the entire game? easier to find out what you are today?

I'm quite open to changing my vote, give me a good reason to do so instead of whining that "render doesn't like me" (tongue pressed firmly in cheek)

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