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Old 06-15-2008, 09:26 AM   #73
Markus Heinsohn
OOTP Developments
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Germany
Originally Posted by Dark Cloud View Post
Traditional v. Sabermetric creation modifiers are the most confusion piece of gobbly-gook ever. No one has any clue what they're supposed to do clearly and it's never been stated definitively what they do. For instance, do the sabermetric modifier control the talent level of kids created in feeder leagues? What is their purpose? Why were they called Sabermetric? It doesn't mean anything to the 'average' person or even a more savvier mind who isn't really a student of sabermetrics.

Some clarity on that would be dandy.

Anytime an amateur is created, the PCM of the parent league is used for talent. The PCM of a feeder league is just used to calculate the current ability once the player is created, but his talent is calculated using the parent league PCMs.

PCM of affiliated minor leagues are ONLY used in intial league creation. All players created for the amateur draft for the major league use the major league PCMs, and then the current ability is adjusted by using stuff like age or if the players is from college or highschool.
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