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Old 06-12-2008, 09:34 PM   #367
Pro Starter
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Originally Posted by hoopsguy View Post
Axxon, in the case of the other game (assuming PB is the sorc) PB ended up in the wrong place. I would say that isn't the norm for him, but he is tough to move off a fully-formed opinion and I completely get your frustration.

Someone else will unwittingly screw you out of a win in the next 2-4 games and they can then move to the top of your Day 1 vote list Hopefully I'm not that guy.

No, it's honestly not frustration it is the second part that I'm concerned about. Someone who doesn't back off a position when it is proven to be a bad one isn't necessarily going to be the best asset.

If he's right, great but if not, not so much. Given that I know less about most of you as players it pushes that vote and knowing how good racer is, it was a no brainer to switch to the person I perceived as the weaker player to vote off the island on day one, all else being equal.
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