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Old 06-12-2008, 08:37 PM   #287
Chief Rum
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Where Hip Hop lives
I shouldn't dodge the leaders here, although not sure they are the best choices. But at this point, really, what do we know?

The second vote on hoops by EF bugs me a little, but looking at the time stamps, I just don't buy he knew about Alan's vote. Plus, really, who does that (looks to add a second vote right away)?

If I give EF the benefit of the doubt, it's between PB and mccollins. Not wild about either choice there either, but I am not one to sit on the fence for Day One. I think I'll be completely selfish with this one. I believe both PB and mccollins are strong players, but mccollins always seems to vote for me (feels that way anyway), so I'm going to vote for him.

This moves it into a tie, though, so I am prepared to change my vote if KWhit doesn't break the tie.


I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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