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Old 06-12-2008, 10:00 AM   #41
Hall Of Famer
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Location: Massachusetts
Originally Posted by Ronnie Dobbs2 View Post
I understand that that's his contention, but that doesn't seem like a scientifically verifiable hypothesis. The mutations needed to cause great evolutionary change, it seems to me, would be quite "lucky" and would require many many generations and many many instances of these mutations not occuring, or not occuring in concert. He seems to be saying (and this is the only thing I've read from him) that because it is so difficult it is impossible. In contrast, I don't see that to be even that large of a stretch, let alone a scientific impossibility.

You say that this occured in only one of the colonies, over 30,000 to 40,000 generations, and seem to imply that since this was "rare" the odds of it happening with other "rare" things is infititesimal. The important thing to remember is that these colonies that he was experimenting with would represent such a small number of the totality of life, even just bacterial life, on the planet and the time period involved (assuming that we can agree the earth is older than 6000 years old) is so much larger that I don't think he is making his case at all.

oh shit. Ronnie Dobbs FTW!
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