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Old 06-11-2008, 04:39 PM   #19
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Buffalo, NY
Originally Posted by Ajaxab View Post
Would it then be fair to ask scientists like Richard Dawkins to stay out of religious debate, like whether or not there is a God? It would seem science should be enough, but Dawkins has quite a bit to say about the very religious question of the existence of deity. I just have a difficult time separating science and religion on a topic like this one. In order to have a useful discussion, I don't think either side can ask the other to exit the room.

What Dawkins does for a living is irrelevent to that discussion however. Dawkins simply believes there is no such thing as God and believes in it strongly enough to try and refute those who do believe it.

As for seperating the two, again, this is a matter of individual belief. you've got three options:

1: God created everything as it is, period
2: God did nothing and everything evolved to this point and will continu to do so
3: Some combination of points 1 and 2.

if you find it dificult to seperate them then it would seem your beliefs fall in #3. Dawkins falls in #2 and others fall in #1.

Science and Religion are not the same things. Just because one exists does not disprove or prove the existance of the other. They are different topics entirely.

How one chooses to BELIEVE the universe came into being is open to interpretation, some will believe that science holds the answers, some will believe that Faith holds the answers, some will combine the two.

Nobody has been proven wrong, its all a matter of opinion.
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