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Old 06-11-2008, 12:24 PM   #387
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana
Well if the two good villagers left believe me, then I think you two need to decide who you plan to vote for and be ready to vote for after night fall. After today, I would be shocked if the final four isn't this:

PurdueBrad, Danny, Axxon, and Claph

Originally Posted by PurdueBrad View Post
DT, are you around because I'm going to propose a desperate move.

This was post 295 and seemed kind of out of place to me. Because of this post, I have a gut feeling that he is the sorcerer. I know PurdueBrad currently is voting for DaddyTorgo. However, he's a veteran. He isn't going to clearly out himself by voting for me. However, since PurdueBrad is NOT a werewolf, under no circumstances should you vote for him tomorrow. We lose the game if you do. Mainly, I just want to urge the other players to be weary of anything that PurdueBrad posts this day. He is a veteran. He is going to know how to manipulate you if he is bad (and all I can say is that he isn't a werewolf).

That leaves Danny, Axxon, and Claph.

I would hedge my bets that Claph is the other wolf because of odd little things such as seeming to know that Jackal would turn up good. I believe he countered this by saying that he read Jackal's reveal hints to mean that he was the hunter. But then, why didn't he do more to save Jackal? Also, if you read more then one post last night, you know that either DaddyTorgo or I is a wolf. Yet, he votes for PurdueBrad at first. There is no way that should have happened unless DaddyTorgo pm'd him and told him about the showdown going on in the thread. If he was good and only read one post or so, he would have just skimmed the thread and not voted for NO ONE. He did vote
for someone though.

Danny and Axxon (assuming you're good ), win this for the villagers tomorrow. Be ready to vote.
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