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Old 05-21-2008, 10:45 AM   #12
College Starter
Join Date: Dec 2002
I think they basically just assume they've got the market cornered as far as places sellers can go. They aren't too concerned with offending them at this point. What they can do is make it a less intimidating/unpleasant experience for new buyers and increase the amount of total customers faster this way.

I think they could be underestimating how much more difficult/annoying this could make things for a seller. The feeling like you have a say when you run into a bad customer is gone.

I guess the question, ultimately, comes down to: Will sellers ultimately still run the same risk of running into a deadbeat/jerk customer? Was having feedback merely the illusion of some control over that? Or will the new lack of rules actually lead to the terrible customers running amok and ruining things for as many sellers as possible?
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