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Old 05-19-2008, 10:51 PM   #164
Alan T
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Mass.
Lathum, Does the bodyguard in this game get notified if he blocks a kill?

For everyone else, if there is a hypnotizer out there, perhaps consider who you slept last night whether they might be a wolf blocked from a kill?

Seems like the simplest explanation here is that the wolves felt Eaglefan wasn't in danger of lynch and left him with the night kill order..

however, I would have to assume a few things here:

IF Eaglefan's fellow wolf was around near deadline while Eaglefan was only behind 2 in votes, with at least one person (myself) who could tie the vote in a heartbeat with a last minute vote change (which I have done plenty of times in my WW career).. they would have possibly worried that the possibility of Eaglefan being lynched was at least greater than 0%

I would assume any wolf around at the deadline had a less likely chance of being lynched than eaglefan and likely moved the night kill order over to them executing it instead...

Thus I don't know if I buy Saldana being a wolf here.. he was around at deadline and could easily have put in some backup plan. I can see where people feel he might be a bit over the top with his suspicion, but I don't know if that is any more of a wolf move at this point in the game... I think its far more likely a wolf in that situation knows the Bodyguard wont get lynched by people, and tries to fit in instead of stirring up stuff.

I feel a bit less confident about Render's play but likewise am not looking super hard at him either today... I keep coming back to one of two players.. either Passacaglia or TheJackyl,.. and feel better about voting for Thejackyl today.
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