Thread: Disney
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Old 05-02-2008, 09:53 AM   #13
High School Varsity
Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Houston, TX
Originally Posted by gstelmack View Post
Planning a Disney trip? Ugh!

You want to make reservations for a dinner and a show or two, but seriously, especially with kids, just go at your own pace and enjoy what you can. People rushing from place to place to make an appointment just tire out the kids and are squabbling by the end of the day.

Go with the flow, dude.

I think a group of adults can handle it fine, but you have NO CLUE what your kids are going to decide is fun day to day. Heck, this last time we spent 75% of the time hunting down characters, and the rest was eating or going on rides.

I disagree. Going at your own pace and enjoying what you can is what leads to waiting in line for hours in a day. I'm not saying that you have to push everyone to the brink of exhaustion, but I think going in without a plan can turn out even worse.

Originally Posted by gstelmack View Post
Oh, and with kids, don't forget the "back to the hotel for a nap and some pool time to cool off" early afternoon block.

Certainly not picking on you, gstemack, but this didn't work for us either. The hassle of loading everyone up onto the bus/car to go back to the hotel, trying to get the kids to take a nap (key word is trying - yes they were tired, but they're still hyped up about Disney), then re-loading everyone up to go back to the park was just not worth it.
I failed Signature 101 class.

Last edited by Hammer755 : 05-02-2008 at 09:56 AM.
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