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Old 04-26-2008, 06:56 PM   #152
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
What if they made it so that the person in possession of the ball at the time a foul occurs is the one that gets the shots? That would at least stop the stupid garbage where someone hugs Shaq while Nash brings the ball up court.

What's stupid about that as compared to two guys positioning on the blocks and one of them getting called for a foul, with the same result?

In any case, it doesn't make any sense to me to have a special rule taking away the normal situation of the person being fouled doing the shooting.

it is BRUTAL to watch and goes against the type of free flowing up and down game that most people seem to enjoy the most. I don't see the joy in watching Jacque Vaughan wrap his arms around Shaq just as the ball is crossing half court. If I had to choose, I'll take the up and down action of the second half of last night's game where the Hack a Shaq was not employed over the play in the first half any day of the week.

Ok, a couple points here. One, there were around 105 or so possessions in the first half. The Hack-a-Shaq was employed six times. So you're telling me that something that happened about 1 in 16-20 trips down the floor ruined any enjoyment of the other 94% or so? That just doesn't make any sense.

Furthermore, this whole idea that entertainment value is the pre-eminent reason to have rules is ridiculous to me. It's a consideration, but only that. It'd be one thing if they could do this every time down the floor, but that's impossible. I mean if one is going to say aesthetic value rules all, then lets knock the shot-clock down to say 14 seconds or something so everybody has to play like Phoenix/GS/Denver do, let's discourage fouling by making it an automatic 2 shots and the ball no matter what the foul is -- after all, we all just want to see dunks and great shooting -- let's outlaw shot-blocking ... there's something to be said in my opinion for not allowing a player to hide his weaknesses. A player's total package of skills should matter, not just the ones most people happen to enjoy watching the most.
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