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Old 04-26-2008, 11:42 AM   #132
Gary Gorski
Wolverine Studios
Join Date: Oct 2003
Originally Posted by miami_fan View Post
I think this is a fine line that the NBA does not want to come close to crossing. If Hack a Shaq is okay because he is an unstoppable force, then Hack a Tony Parker or Hack a Chris Paul can't be too far behind.

That's never going to happen. Who is going to hack Parker (71%) or Paul (85%)? The problem with Shaq is that there is a higher chance of him making the 2 pointer than there is him making 2 free throws. Parker and Paul both shoot about 49% from the field - why would you intentionally foul one of them when there's a 50% chance they're going to miss their shot but only a 15 or 30% chance that they're going to miss a free throw? How would you even do that? Hack them as soon as they cross half court?

Besides, Paul and Parker are not physical forces like Shaq is. The Suns could have a much better chance at stopping Parker if Steve Nash was capable of playing any defense and Amare had any idea on how to play help defense.
Wolverine Studios
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