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Old 04-16-2008, 10:32 AM   #207
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Maryland *do*? Heh. For me it's just kinda...there. No real thrill, just "yeah...ok then" reactions. FC should be interesting, but I wonder just how many toys Morrison is going to break.

I'm with you on JSA - love Eaglesham's work (and uh, Johns isn't doing so bad either ).

Also, I would encourage everyone to try Blue Beetle! Just good clean fun. The first trade was ok, but it really got going from there and lead to a great #25 last month (the culmination of basically a two-year overarc). Unfortunately, it's changing writers (TV writer John Rogers is moving to another, not-yet-announced book). But the good news (for me anyway) is that the new writer is going to be Matt Sturges (assuming the title continues for any length of time, which has been hotly debated).
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