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Old 04-10-2008, 09:48 AM   #117
Pro Starter
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Winnipeg, MB
I loved that Pens/Sens game for the reasons ML states above. The Pens just look ready to play. Crosby didn't put up points, but as the announcers stated he did the little things (and I think he did more offensively than the announcers gave him credit for).

Malkin looks amazing. I haven't watched him play much since he entered the NHL, but good grief he was a force last night. His goal was awesome, and his reaction after was great in a different way than the one ML wrote about. As he's skating behind the net, one of the Sens gives him a shot. He starts to turn to react, then just gets this look of "whatever, that chumps not worth my time" and resumes his fist pump.

I also have to say that while I don't normally like Don Cherry, he was exactly right in calling out Chris Neil for his actions during the Crosby-Redden purse fight, as ML so elegantly put it. I couldn't believe that the teams big enforcer would just stand there chatting with Crosby while Redden got pounded on. Just bizarre. I saw several other incidents too where the Sens players just don't seem to stand up for each other. Weak looking team.
"Breakfast? Breakfast schmekfast, look at the score for God's sake. It's only the second period and I'm winning 12-2. Breakfasts come and go, Rene, but Hartford, the Whale, they only beat Vancouver maybe once or twice in a lifetime."
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