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Old 03-23-2008, 05:18 PM   #277
Alan T
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Mass.
Originally Posted by IMetTrentGreen View Post
Alright, how about this, Alan?

You, as the nose, focus on Wall and Breakthrough. That'll let you keep up with double teams. Then you can pump up D-Line General as you see fit to boost the rest of us.

Then me, as the 3, focus on Wall and Shed Block, since I can just focus on dominating the man in front of me. The thing says DL General is most helpful for the nose, but I'm not opposed to putting points there. I can't find a more in depth description of the skills than the what the floating box gives us.

Either way, if we can control the three guys in front of us we can free up the ends to rush and the MLB to run free.

I have 1 point in D-Line General currently and had planned on putting more there after seeing that I ended up in the NT spot. I'm debating on which would be more useful though, upping that or upping Breakthrough right now. I don't mind sacrificing my numbers for the sake of the team, just trying to figure out which would be more beneficial. I currently have 5 in Breakthrough and Wall, and only 1 in D-Line general
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