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Old 03-22-2008, 01:25 AM   #51
High School JV
Join Date: Jun 2006
I just read a post on the forum that advises paying your players enough so that they can train. Training costs go up with levels, so players should not sign long term contracts for little money.

It's a sticky in the "Players looking for teams" forum:

After seeing a lot of guys sign long term contracts for minimal pay. I'm not going to point out names, or where, but I have seen a player signed long term for a really bad salary. I know there is a thread like this in TD, but this is for people who haven't seen played a game like CD or GLB before, where contracts mean a lot of things.

Here's the way training costs work in GLB.
Intense: 200 * level = cost per day
Normal: 75 * level = cost per day
Relaxed: 10 * level = cost per day.

Training is not dependent on player position. Everyone pays using the same formula, whether they are a QB or OT.

So basically, if the player, who can survive up until about level 2 or 3 on their current contract hits level 6 or 7, uh oh! Watch out, they can't improve as well! Instead, no more intense training unless they want to lose money. Now toss in the fact that they are signed for a really long time. Some managers will re-negotiate. Some will not because they say you agreed to the contract. So make sure the contract you sign is really what you want.

Originally posted by Statmonkey of TD

1. Check the forums to see if the offer is competitive
2. How long is the contract for can you live with the terms
3. Research the team - do they need you? Will you get playing time?
4. Find the manager and the team thread. Are they active? Do they have the same ideas as you?
5. Talk with the manager. What are his plans for you? Is his personality compatible? someone you can talk to?
6. Talk to current members of the team. Are they happy? do they like playing there?
7. Put all this together and decide if you like it

I quoted Statmonkey with slight modification basically because it all comes down to these 7. You can also check the rosters of other teams in the same league to see what is the norm.

Jed PMed this to me last season when discussing the contracts for his team this season. Several other teams follow the same principle.
Take how many levels you think your guy will be at the end of the season. Most of the time players won't be training at intense because of cost and energy issues, so Normal will be used.
So if level 15, it will be 1125 per day (75 * 15) . This means players will still make money over the course of the season when they are at a lower level, which allows them to buy any of the new things Bort is planning to add in the future like cars, houses and whatnot.

Last edited by dbd1963 : 03-22-2008 at 01:26 AM.
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