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Old 03-19-2008, 04:23 PM   #29
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: NYC
I figured out why the gameplay sucks:

Originally Posted by Kodos View Post
GameTap: Do you listen to what the NCAA community has to say in terms of making those gameplay improvements?

Kendall Boyd: We do. We actually did a ton of focus group testing and we had two different community days, one in Tiburon and one down in Los Angeles. We're listening to their feedback, and we try to do that with our gaming press as well. The fans are the most important thing, and listening to them and trying to understand what they want in the game is what we're trying to do in terms of delivering that authenticity we've always stood for at EA Sports. Over the years, our research has showed that while we do have crossover between Madden and NCAA gamers, our hardcore guys are always going to come back just to see what we're doing in dynasty [mode]. Two-thirds of our audience plays dynasty; they have grown up with that feature of the game and want us to incorporate more of that authenticity into it. That goes back to what's new at your school, what have they fixed from your stadium, what has changed about the uniform. That's what separates the college fan from the Madden fan.

Yeah, you nailed it.
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