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Old 07-02-2003, 10:32 AM   #57
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Manchester, CT
Originally posted by Blackadar
Just because you play for a team that can afford (and does) buy the World Series doesn't mean that you're a winner. If you think anything else, you're just kidding yourself.

This is my favorite Yankee hater argument.

1) Why didn't the Yankees win in 2001 and 2002?
2) Are the Yankees the only high payroll team? Compare their payroll to some other teams 1998-2002 payrolls. Not a very big differnece.
3) Sorry that we have a team and an owner that plays by the rules of baseball in order to put the best team out on the field every single year.

There is nothing that negates the rest of a person's argument than bringing up the payroll. Does it give an advantage? Of course! Is it the reason they win? Of course not!

Cincinnati basketball writer P. Daugherty, "Connor Barwin playing several minutes against Syracuse is like kids with slingshots taking down Caesar's legions."
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