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Old 03-11-2008, 09:55 AM   #13
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: The Great Northwest
Originally Posted by BigPapi View Post
Yes, they are being included- but if they're just a re-hash update of the 2007 version included with "OOTP 8"- then no thanks...Those are just a mess. Sim a year or two and watch as almost all players fielding ability over the age of 28 nosedives from a 90/100 to 20/100. I am not sure what's wrong- but it's a mess- along with a host of other problems not worth mentioning here.

I appreciate the effort- but I am starting to wonder if it's even a worthwhile task to make real rosters (and I consider them a must-have). This game is so complicated that it just gets in its own way too often.

It's interesting that a lot of people think real rosters are pointless- but the reality is it's much easier to diagnose a flawed game using the real rosters as wierd trades/AI decisions stick out like a proverbial turd in a punch bowl as opposed to using a bunch of no-names and never recognizing a bad AI move unless you stumble on it. Ignorance is bliss as they say.

Anyway, here's hoping they spend a little more time making sure it works right when all is said and done...
Honestly that doesn't sound like a roster issue if the game does that. Of course I never noticed that happen in mine...
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