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Old 03-05-2008, 10:28 PM   #426
Grey Dog Software
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Phoenix, AZ by way of Belleville, IL
Nowhere as good as the guys, but they had some solid performances. What's disappointing is that David H (70s), David A (70s) and Cook (80s) all have had defining performances. I can't recall any real defining performances (save maybe Brook last week) from the girls. This leads to a lot of conjestion in the middle of the pack. Here's the rankings:

1. Brook - Nice performer and really knows what she does well. She takes some chances, but really doesn't leave here element which makes them safe risks. Her consistency makes her the best on the women's side so far.
2. Carly - She has a nice voice and wasn't in top form tonight. Still, she is a top 2 girl on talent and has been strong so far.
3. Syesha - Pleasant surprise, but it was pretty much a straight Whitney copy job down to the last note. She pulled it off for the most part, but it was a little robotic. I'd like to see a little more "making it her own" from Syesha.
4. Amanda - She was dreadful last week but got back in her element. Because she sounds so different, if she can simply be on tune with a little energy - she will always overachieve expectations. This is really the best she can hope for, though, and it's a middle of the pack finish.
5. Kristy - Nice work adding in a country style to Journey. I still feel nervious everytime she builds up to a note and I'm not sure why. You would think that would subside, but it really hasn't since her first night. She really needs to nail a song to be a factor - but she should be safe.
6. Remyel - She was technically better than Kristy and Amanda, but just was very Blah for me overall. She needs to get a little energy into her performances or just be technically brilliant to have a chance. She didn't do either tonight.
7. Asia'h - After Syesha, her performance looked pretty ordinary. It's never good when you get upstaged in the same night on a Whitney song. It's even worse when you were one of the bottom two before that performance. She's not a terrible performer, but will probably be going home.
8. Kady - Speaking of robots, she is like a statue on each performance. She hits most notes, but struggles on many others. To make it into the top 12, you need to have a unique sound, be a great performer or technically proficient. She struck out on all 3 and will be heading home.

IMO, only Brooke would have made the top 4 of the guys so the gals need to pick it up a bit.
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