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Old 02-27-2008, 11:54 AM   #174
Hattrick Moderator
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Location: Pintendre, Qc, Canada
Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue View Post
I got the Buffy trade for Christmas, but haven't read it yet. Lady H_B read it recently, however. I got her into Buffy and she watched the first five seasons, but did not watch any of the last two and she was lost. Very lost.

Buffy, more than most shows, has a very consistent story and new episodes often referred back to older episodes.

My guess is that not only would you be lost, but you really wouldn't be able to get the full enjoyment from the series without knowing all of the "inside jokes" and the importance/meaning of past characters and events.

My recommendation: Sign up to Netflix, or the Canadian equivalent, and start rent Buffy DVDs. You will not be disappointed.

Thanks for your input. It's about the same that I'm being told by guys on Heavy Ink so I will probably not follow up on Buffy, at least not for now.

I don't have much plans to watch the series either, although I'm sure it's quite good, based on what everyone's been saying. Just don't have enough time for TV right now... I might be getting an Omnibus book in the future, or eventually all four of them, then the season eight trades. You think I'd be less lost, or is season 8 really mean you have to have followed all the TV seasons prior to it?

Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue View Post
Since I'm in the comics thread...

I got quite the haul for Christmas. In addition to the Buffy trade, I also got "The League of Extraordinary Gentlement: Black Dossier", the latest "Ex Machina" book, the first two hardback volumes of "Runaways", and the first two "Jack of Fables" trades.

I love all things Brian K. Vaughn. The guy simply writes amazing dialogue. I can't wait for the last "Y: The Last Man" trade to come out in June. I will pretty much collect anything he writes. I'd highly recommend both "Ex Machina" and "Runaways".

"Black Dossier" was a bit... odd. Not surprising given that it's Alan Moore, but he's sort of veered off a bit into this whole pornographic phase of his career. (see, e.g., Lost Girls) and there is certainly some of that running throughout "Black Dossier." I am not a prude, but it was a bit surprising. That said, I really enjoy the "League" world and all of the literary references, though many were well above my head. It was an interesting read and certainly inspired me to look up various allusions and what not. It's different from the first two volumes for sure, but a good pick up nonetheless.

I love "Fables" and the "Jack" spin-offs were more of the same. The books are funny, well-written, and very interesting. Jack's a complete ass, but in a most enjoyable way.

I am anxiously awaiting the release of the next "Fables", "Jack of Fables," "Y: The Last Man", and "Astonishing X-Men" trades. They should all be arriving sometime in June...

I too enjoy BKV quite a lot. Got Paper Dolls and Kimono Dragons still to read in Y: The Last Man and I just started the March to War trade in Ex Machina. I got the next one to read too and will order the following one that'll bring me to issue #29. I have issues #30-34 at home and it's on my pull list now.

I finished the Captain America Omnibus a few weeks ago, really well done stuff. I'm currently reading Volume 1 of Essential Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man, mostly before going to bed, so very slowly. I had given a list of Essential titles to my mom and that one was the only she was able to find for the X-mas period.

My pull list stands as follows on Heavy Ink at the moment:I'm also thinking of adding Fell from Warren Ellis. Anybody reading it? I really like the premise behind it...

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