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Old 02-27-2008, 10:08 AM   #268
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Hog Country
Originally Posted by Eaglesfan27 View Post
Imagine is one of my favorite songs ever and I agree. I loved his performance.

One of mine, too. I almost missed your comment. I'm glad someone else felt that way. It was a very moving performance, and pitch, for once, was spot on. I don't care how likable you are, or how much you like crosswords, if you can't sing in tune, you are not going to make it.

Actually, one of the worst live performances from a big name pop-star I've ever heard was Avril Lavigne. Either she was having a really bad night when I heard her or had a cold or something, or she can't sing in tune a lick. Maybe they are really good at covering pitch problems up now through some sort of processing or maybe they have her record little bits at a time over and over again until she hits the pitches, but I almost thought I was listening to a different person.

(by the way, this was a live performance on TV. haha like I would be at an Avril Lavigne concert)
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