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Old 02-27-2008, 08:31 AM   #257
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Hog Country
Originally Posted by wade moore View Post

I know we've had this discussion before.

You are WAY too stuck on singing ability. If we want to have a pure singing contest, let's put them behind a screen and have them sing to a mic and play it back then vote.

That's not what it is, it's American Idol. I'm 100% with you on Taylor Hicks - but I think Melinda Doolittle's booming success has proven that America got it right.

Melinda Doolittle was a fantastic singer. The end.

Needless to say, I disagree. Also, I don't have any information on Melinda's success or failures so I can't comment on that. And no way do I concede that it means anyone got anything right.

And this is the entire problem. I'm way too caught up on singing ability because it is a singing competition. My frustration comes from people insisting it isn't and voting and worrying about the fact that a singer didn't do exactly what their favorite version of the song did, or if Melinda looks fat in so and so outfit, and whether someone likes to play scrabble.

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