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Old 07-01-2003, 08:29 AM   #14
Alan T
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Mass.
Originally posted by oykib
Well Koufax isn't overrated that much, but Drysdale is because of his association with Koufax.

Koufax was as great as people believe he was for the six years that he was.

But some people say that he was the greatest ever. You can't be the greatest ever on the strength of six season. You can't compare Koufax to Roger Clemens, Tom Seaver, Greg Maddux, or even, say, Randy Johnson.

I wonder if everyone would get mad if I start a new better player vs greater player discussion here

Actually I agree with you on the players you chose.. I think Seaver, Johnson, Maddux and Clemens are all greater pitchers than Koufax was. I used Bob Gibson in my example above though because like Koufax, neither got to 300 wins which today seems a magical number, yet both pitchers were better than any other pitcher they faced. If I had to pick one pitcher in a game 7 in their prime.. it would be tough for me to choose from a Randy Johnson a Koufax or a Bob Gibson or others (like Steve Carlton, etc).

But Johnson has been better longer than Koufax was. (and also fairly equally dominating.)

Originally posted by Marmel
They claim that a guy is a probable Hall of Famer before he even hits his 30th birthday (Jeter), but he is overrated?

How is a Hall of Famer overrated?

I think this is why most people think Jetere is overrated. I am not sure there is statistical proof that shows why he should be a sure hall of famer. If guys like Dale Murphy who was loved and adored by many and had back to back MVP seasons aren't getting into the hall of fame.. why would Jetere who is an average hitter (other than a few better than average seasons), and a below average fielder.

Jetere is the posterchild of New York hyping.
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