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Old 02-26-2008, 08:34 PM   #229
High School JV
Join Date: Nov 2006
I don't know where they hid the guys from last week but hopefully they don't come back...This week was much stronger across the board. I think Archuleta's performance will get the pub and rightfully so but I believe he's got some legit competitors. I was very glad to see Chikeze bounce back he's one of my favorites.

My rankings:
DavidA - on paper I thought this song was going to be too big for him but I really liked what he did with the tempo and he showed off his voice bigtime
David Hernandez - Halfway home, best of night so far
Chikeze - I know your name, it's chikeze!. showed off his voice, went from ruben studdard light to ruben ultra.
michael good leadoff batter, rickey henderson? maybe not. He was rock raines tho
jCook - much better than allright, now or anytime.
JasonC solid performance, no big moments
jYaeger - fair to middlin in my book.
DNoriega - slow start, decent build and finish. CREEPY
RCarrico - good fit song wise. Too bad he sucks.
JMenard tackling freddy mercury is tricky, I think he sounded like he was trying to do an impression
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