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Old 02-24-2008, 10:13 PM   #350
Poet in Residence
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Charleston, SC
Single Short Story
Poem: 2.6 - The Divine Comedy, Dante Alighieri
Fantasy/Science Fiction
Series (A set of books continuing the same story and intended to be read sequentially) 3.5 - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams
Sport Related
Non-Fiction: 1.5 - On the Origin of Species, Charles Darwin

I can't be alone in thinking this series of books one of the most enjoyable. And after all, it does provide the answer to life, the universe and everything.

From Wiki:
References to the series can be seen on websites, within TV and radio programmes, songs, and in console and computer games. Examples include borrowing Adams's characters' names, or references to the number 42, or other catchphrases, or even reusing "The Hitchhiker's Guide to ..." to title other books and articles (which Adams himself had borrowed from Ken Welsh's Hitch-hiker's Guide to Europe). Hitchhiker's references have also appeared in several series and episodes of another famous British science fiction series with which Adams was once affiliated: Doctor Who. The online Babel Fish translation service was also named in honour of a fictional creature that Adams created for the Hitchhiker's series. The 1980s British Pop band Level 42 attribute their name to the ultimate answer, while the rock group Radiohead named a hit single after Marvin the paranoid android. The instant message program, Trillian, is also named after a lead Hitchhiker's character. Internet search engine Google pays tribute by offering "42" as the answer to the search criteria "What is the answer to life the universe and everything?" In the Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends episode, "Bus the Two of Us," Bloo picks up a hitchhiker holding a sign reading "Magrathea". Adams may have popularized the modern usage of the prefix "mega" to simply mean "great" (which is the meaning of the original Greek). Before Hitchhiker's, which used terms such as "mega-stupid" and "megadonkey", the prefix "mega" was almost exclusively used in the technical SI Metrics sense - meaning 1,000,000 times.(in computing: 1,048,576 times)
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