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Old 06-30-2003, 08:06 PM   #353
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Chicago
Luzon, The Philippines

The withdrawal of the FOFC Brigade nears its completion all across the line, and the weight of American artillery can finally be brought to bear. But will it be enough to stem the seemingly endless tide of Japanese soldiers throwing themselves at the weary Marines?

19:15 Hours

Zone 1

American 75mm howitzer shells continue to slam home to the north of the Marines in Zone 1. The artillery seems to be doing its job of harrying and slowing the Japanese down. One enemy squad manages to gain sight of the Marines at the eastern end of the zone, but the (comparatively) fresh Marines of Lieutenant Jennings’ 3rd Platoon, Infantry B and the Stuart tanks of Lieutenant bertogarce’s 1st Platoon, Armor B easily dispatch them.

Zone 2

On the western end of Zone 2, some Japanese infantry manage to stagger through the hellish blasting of the Marine artillery, but cannot get any further. Voluminous and accurate fire from Lieutenant JeffNights’ 3rd Platoon, Infantry D and Lieutenant sterlingice’s 3rd Platoon, Armor B force the Japanese back out of sight with little trouble.

Things continue to look dire to the east, however. As Captain Coffee Warlord takes his Infantry D Command to the east, attempting to move into flanking position, Japanese infantry attack Lieutenant Aesyrqwe’s 2nd Platoon, Infantry D and Lieutenant Superman=#54’s 2nd Platoon, Armor B on both edges. In a classic pincer-attack movement, the Japanese succeed in keeping the Marines pinned down and unable to move.

Zone 3

Lieutenant Tasan orders the Stuart tanks commanded by Sergeants Isaac and Wilder to move northwest, in an effort to out-flank the flankers of The Meat Grinder’s 2nd Platoon. The tanks do not get very far, however, before they encounter more Japanese infantry. Without infantry support, and fortunate to have not driven into an ambush within the dense foliage, Isaac and Wilder decide that discretion is the better part of valor. They shift their tanks into reverse and lay down fierce machinegun fire, covering their own withdrawal.

Lieutenant jfbbis likewise orders a pair of his own Stuarts from 2nd Platoon, Armor A to shift. Sergeant Killingsworth and Lieutenant jfbbis himself move into the open area in the middle of the zone and lay down a withering fire on the suspected positions of the pursuing Japanese.

The last of the Company’s 81mm mortar rounds are used, as the shells slam home on the positions of the Japanese attempting the pincer attack in Zone 2.

Zone 4

The men of Captain ardent enthusiast’s Infantry Company A and the supporting armor of Captain WSUCougar’s Fire and Ice continue to thank their lucky stars that they seem to have drawn easy duty. Their withdrawal continues unhindered.

19:18 Hours

Zone 1

Despite the sustained artillery fire that the Japanese are being subjected to, a number of the enemy are still able to attack the lines at the eastern edge of the zone. Much to the chagrin of the Japanese, though, the Marines of Lieutenant Jennings’ 3rd Platoon, Infantry B and Lieutenant bertogarce’s 1st Platoon, Armor B are well-prepared, and easily scatter their opposition.

Zone 2

The Japanese bombardment at the eastern end of the zone finally comes to a halt, and the battered Marines of Lieutenant Aesyrqwe’s 2nd Platoon, Infantry D and Lieutenant Superman=#54’s 2nd Platoon, Armor B breathe a sigh of relief as they are finally able to continue their withdrawal.

Light contact is reported on the western edge of the zone, but nothing that Lieutenant JeffNights’ 3rd Platoon, Infantry D and Lieutenant sterlingice’s 3rd Platoon, Armor B aren’t capable of handling.

Zone 3

Captain Blade6119’s Infantry Company C have now withdrawn into the Marine artillery umbrella, and immediately call for fire support from the 75mm guns to the rear. Howitzer shells begin to slam home, particularly in the middle of the zone, and seems to stop the pursuit of the Japanese in its tracks.

Zone 4

The zone remains quiet, as the men of Captain ardent enthusiast’s Infantry Company A are close to completing their own withdrawal, without sight or sound of the enemy.

19:21 Hours

Over the crash of artillery to the north, the Marines of the FOFC Brigade begin to hear high-pitched whistles through the dense jungle. First one, then another. The whistles seem menacing at first, and the Marines brace themselves for the worst. Could this be some sort of signal by the Japanese, preparing for one last, vicious onslaught in an attempt to break through?

The Marines take whatever cover they can find, staring down the barrels of their rifles, BARs, and machineguns, searching the dense jungle for any sign of their pursuers. The minutes seem to take hours, and drag on and on. But no attack comes. The artillery from both sides falls silent.

Soon a half an hour has passed, and still no attack has come. Gradually the word passes down that those were signal whistles for the Japanese to withdraw, though how far back is unknown.

The brave Marines of the FOFC Brigade are ordered to hold the line throughout the night, and seek out whatever shelter they can muster from the persistent rain. Short-range patrols are sent out, but no sign of a living enemy is to be found. These patrols find many bodies of the fallen enemy, as well as a few Marines who were apparently left behind, wounded rather than killed as their companions thought. These men are dead now, unfortunately, stabbed repeatedly by the sharp steel of Japanese bayonets.

The Marines spend a somber, wet, and thoroughly miserable night in the jungles. Most are incapable of sleep, no matter how hard they try, having been blooded in combat for the first time. Friends and comrades are wounded or dead, causing a quiet, somber determination to settle through those that still stand.

The Japanese had started this war, but the Marines of the FOFC Brigade were dawn sure that they would be the ones to end it.

Semper Fi!
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