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Old 02-20-2008, 04:58 PM   #145
Go Reds
Join Date: May 2001
Location: Bloodbuzz Ohio
Originally Posted by Thomkal View Post
David Archuleta was the tops for me last night-I can't help but smile at his reactions to the judges and Ryan playing with him after the judges comments. May get a bit old after a while, but for now I think he's the one in the driver's seat.

I would put Michael Long, Robbie Carrico, and David Hernandez a step below right now. I do not understand the love for Jason Castro-I hate the hair and I don't think he has a particularly good voice.

I like the sound of Luke Menard's and Jason Yeager's voice, but sadly both looked out of their element last night especially Yeager who seemed to look amazed to be on the stage during his performance. Sadly one or both could be gone which is a shame, especially with Menard who I think could be a darkhorse to watch.

I wouldn't be particularly sad to see any of the others I didn't mention go home this week, but I'm rooting for Chikeize, who probably doomed his chances by arguing with Simon, and Garrett Haley who showed absolutely no personality and very little originality in his performance. Surprisingly his voice did sound a lot like Neal Sedaka, so there may be some potential in there, but it's buried deep.

Overall not a very good first night for the boys, but week one seldom goes well due to nerves and performing in front of a large crowd for the first time for some of them.

Garrett - no personality? He's the only one that actually took what the judge's said and called it what it was - constructive criticism. You could tell he was actually listening instead of just the deer-in-headlights-in-one-ear-out-the-other look. He seemed to have more personality than a lot of those guys out there, and he's just 17.
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